Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 3 Deliverables

The map above, showing the states of Mexico, was created during the week 3 lab (GIS Cartography). I did not run into any problems while creating this map, however, I can't say the same for next map.

The Central Mexico map is showing a few of the urban areas in this country. On my first attempt to label the urban areas over a million, I could not figure out why all urban areas were being labled. I triple checked to make sure my SQL statment looked exactly as the example showen on page 9, but could not find where I went wrong. So with that, I went back to my Week3_map1.mxd and started the map over again. I'm not sure what I did different but second time through was a success.

This map is showing the elevation of Mexico using a stretched symbology.

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