Monday, May 31, 2010


Above is a layout view map showing elevation, hydrography, and Bathymetry of the Mississippi Coast counties with places, types of water, barrier islands, and hydrography.
This is a map of the flooded land of the Mississippi Coast after Hurricane. I don't like the way the graph came out on this map. You can hardly make out the words. While working in AI, I was not able to change anything on it because it was an image.
This is the bar graph showing percentage of total flooded land by landcover.
A map showing instructure and health facilities at risk from the storm surge. I ran into an issue when asked to label the major interstate and U.S. highways. The directions said to choose the method to define the feature classes differently and then Click Get Symbol Classes. My Get Symbol Classes button was not selectable. I eneded up Clicking Apply the the button became active. It took me awhile to figure this out. The only other issue with this map, was the redraw time.
This is a table showing various land types that ere flooded measured in acres and square miles. I was not able to get the Acres and Square Miles to calculate using the Field Calculator. With the help of Lynn Palmer, it was pointed out that part of the calcuation was already placed. In other words, I didn't need to put [ACRES] = or [SQMILES] =. Thanks again Lynn. : )